
Wednesday, April 06, 2016

No Good Excuse

I received a phone call this morning from my neurologist's office to reschedule an appointment. Here's how it went

Caller: This is <I don't remember her name> from Dr. N's office. He is going to be out of town on 5/4 and needs to reschedule your appointment. 

Me (thinking to myself): Dr. Who? Which Doctor is this? I'm confused. Oh yes, Pearl has an appointment in early May in College Station at A & M. This his her specialty vet calling. 

Me: OK, when?

Caller: He had an opening 5/12. Can you come then?

Me: I guess so, Pearl is currently on antibiotics and not showing improvement. In fact, I have a call in to her regular vet about what we can do to get her to her original appointment. Moving her appointment back isn't ideal. Is there anyway we can get in earlier? 

Caller: He has an opening 4/27 at 2:00 will that work?

Me: we will be coming from Austin (the nuerologist's office is in Austin) coming that late in the day will be difficult not knowing how long it will take to treat her (I'm anticipating they will do surgery when she goes to A & M). But if that's the earliest you can get us in we will take it. Can you put us in a wait list for an earlier appointment? She really needs to be seen sooner if possible. She's not showing improvement on antibiotics and I'm concerned that it will get worse before she's seen. 

Caller: Yes, I can put you on the wait list. We will see you on 4/27 at 2:00. Thank you. 

I get off the phone and open my calendar app only to realize that Pearl's appointment is on 5/5 and that the appointment on 5/4 says it is in Steiner Ranch, an area of Austin. Only then does it hit me that Dr. N is the neurologist!

I can only imagine how crazy I sounded on the phone! Oh my goodness! I'm so embarrassed. I'm sure the caller and her coworkers had a good laugh after she got off the phone with me. 

Just to explain for those concerned about Pearl, she has an oronasal fistula (hole in the roof of her mouth connecting to her nasal cavity) that needs a second repair.  We originally repaired it a year ago. It has opened back up but is smaller this time. Currently she is really snotty and sneezy. Usually a round of antibiotics will clear these symptoms but has not this time. I have a call in to her regular vet to discuss options while we wait for her appointment. 

Jenn aka Clueless