
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Please tell me I'm not alone

Please tell me that your kids' rooms look like this at least some of the time. Two of my kids' rooms look like this more than the other two but they all look bad. It doesn't seem to matter what I do or what I take away, this seems to continue. I'm not willing to do all the cleaning and bed making myself. I'm open to suggestions. What do you do to combat kid messiness?

Just keeping it real...
Jenn - Posted from my iPhone


  1. You are not are NOT alone. My boys rooms like like disaster areas lots of times. I would take a picture, but SHOCKINGLY they are semi clean right now. (I hosted a baby shower this weekend and surprised they are still clean)

  2. Wanted to tell you, we think your new neighbors are rats.

  3. Always glad to help.

  4. Oh, no. You are not alone. You should see our playroom. I was apologizing to the exterminator yesterday for having to step over all the kid stuff upstairs to spray. If you figure out how to get them to keep it clean, let me know!
