Friday, April 27, 2012

Kindergarten Field Trip

Today Michael and I went with Ruby and Eliza Claire on their kindergarten field trip to Sweet Berry Farms.  It was a fun day.  Our poor middle child also had a field trip today.  Her class went to the Zach Scott theater to see a show.  Due to the non-interactive nature of her field trip and a limited number of tickets, neither of her parents attended her field trip.  To make up for missing her field trip, she and I will be having a date in the morning.  I don't know what we will do yet.  I'm guessing we will go to breakfast.

The strawberry patch was a perfect field trip.  They were taught all about the different jobs of being on a farm.

The kids ate lunch.
Ripping open her Lunchable.  Both girls were thrilled to get a "real Lunchable" as their horrible parents typically refuse to buy them.

They planted a seed (pumpkin).

They used the strawberry blaster - they got to shoot rotten strawberries at a banner.  I couldn't get a good angle for action shots so I had to settle for these while they were waiting their turn.

Waiting in line

Ruby and the amazing Mrs. Johnson

You can see the banner they are shooting strawberries at in the background.  They get to hang it up in their classroom.

They learned about good and bad bugs on the farm. Then they each got to let a ladybug go.  The ladybugs live in the refrigerator until it is time to release them.  The kids were told to shake their container to wake them up.  Most of the kids decided the more vigorously the better.  I think there might be a few lady bugs with concussions.
Letting a lady bug go

They fed the goats.
I love Ruby's expression

They picked fruit.

Then it was time to get ready to go back to school.

And time for Michael and I to go have lunch and pie at the Bluebonnet Cafe.  


Phyllis said...

Thanks for sharing. love the pictures, especially the last one. Cute little "city girls"!

Wencked said...

Lunchable is the field trip lunch of choice around our house too....and we refuse to buy them on a regular basis ; )