Saturday, January 11, 2014


It's been a good and productive day. My little girls spent a good bit of the day running around playing with different kids from the neighborhood. Rehm rode his bike to meet his Boy Scout patrol for a social gathering. He loved having the new privilege.

Charlotte finished her second Harry Potter book - Learning Ally is awesome. I highly recommend it for kids with reading difficulties. It requires a paid subscription. We are blessed that our school provides the subscription for my to dyslexic children.

Michael started digging out a new garden bed. He also moved several furniture pieces around to make room for the new to us pieces my parents brought us.

I got some chores done and got to spend some time sewing. I finally got some mending done I've been putting off for weeks. I hate mending. Now that I sew, my family expects me to mend. They don't seem to understand that it is a chore not a hobby. I'm hoping to finish piecing a quilt today. This is my first completely on my own, without any help top. Once I get it done, I have several other sewing projects I want to start, including a top for Ruby, my block of the month block, a zippered pouch and some other things I'm not remembering right now.

Happy weekend all,

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