Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independence Day

One of Michael's biggest pet peeves is that most Americans refer to Independence Day as the Fourth of July! He thinks we are all too PC and will next be referring to Christmas as the Twenty-Fifth of December. Anyway that is all beside the point, but at our house it is Independence Day.

We had a big day planned. And had done lots of prep work for it. We had bought decorations for the bikes and stroller. I had made special hats for the big kids to wear. I was sure after so much planning ahead and work the festivities would all be canceled.

Luckily the rain held off for at least part of it. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's neighborhood for a parade. After the parade there was snow cones, face painting, moonwalk, cakewalk and popcorn! Oh and I forgot to mention the all important Bike Decorating Contest! Rehm has been obsessed with it for weeks!

Rehm made it around the whole block on his bike with no help. Grandma pushed the twins in their stroller and Michael and I helped Charlotte on her big girl bike. The rain started about 15 minutes after the parade was done. There were a few downpours but mostly sprinkles. After about an hour we called it quits and headed for Grandma and Grandpa's. Rehm rode his bike the whole way - about 1/2 mile. He was so proud of himself.

Later in the day our dear friends came over with their two kids. We had a great time visiting and I enjoyed getting to hold a teeny baby - Liam is 8 weeks old.

The fireworks were unfortunately canceled but the good news is they were resceduled for Labor Day. So we will get to see them then.

I hope everyone else enjoyed their Independence Day as much as our family did.

PS All of our Independence Day pictures can be seen here.


Shelly Kelly said...

I never thought of Fourth of July as a PC thing - because I was raised calling it that back in the 70s. Maybe it's a regional thing?

However you call it - at least I mean it the same way. Happy Independence Day. Happy Fourth. Happy Birthday America!

MMaham said...

Yeah, Shelly, my position was mis-characterized (Jennifer was in a hurry), but just a little bit. I do think it deemphasizes the point some to always call it the 4th, but I don't wander around the house ranting about (or even correcting people).

But I do prefer calling it Independence Day :)

Brenna and Molly said...

The bikes and hats look great! We cmpletely forgot to decorate our bikes so we just watched our neighborhoo parade and collected all the candy that was being tossed! I love Charlotte's face painting too - really cute!!

Karen said...

Wow, now that's a face-painting! Looks great on her with her blue eyes. Glad all of you had a great Independence Day! ;)