Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yesterday I was feeling like a good mommy so I made the three girls scrambled eggs for breakfast. While getting something out of the fridge Ruby spotted the ketchup and asked nicely for some. My first thought was "no way!" and my second thought was "why not?" So I got the ketchup out and let all three girls have a little with their eggs.

Of course by the time breakfast was over they were all covered in ketchup. Faces. Shirts. Everything had ketchup on it. Did I mention that the ketchup was the only part of breakfast that Eliza Claire ate? I got the wipes out and worked on faces, hands and clothes. After everyone got down I worked of faces again because they were still covered.

Then the mental battle started over where to change their clothes or not. On one hand they were going to get something on them at the next meal so why change their clothes. On the other hand, was I bad mom if I sent them to school in "dirty" clothes. Because I can't have people thinking I dress them in dirty clothes, but people have to know they have to eat. If I change them that means that much more laundry and that much more time before we can leave the house. If I don't change them they go to school looking like rag-a-muffins. (OK so what is a rag-a-muffin anyway? Hmmm I'll have to google that in my free time)

In case you are wondering I sent them to school without changing their clothes. Tracey, I know you are laughing right now because we just had this conversation this weekend about dressing before or after breakfast. I thought about you during my mental battle.

We get to school and I get everyone out of the car and what do I see on all three faces? Yep, more ketchup! How in the world did they still have ketchup on their faces? I wiped their faces two or three time each! I swear ketchup is a very evil thing.

Next time someone asks for ketchup for breakfast I'm going to be a mean mommy!


Unknown said...

Why is it that faces are always not clean as soon as you get in the car or arrive at school? It is quite mysterious being that you have just cleaned the face before you went to the car. Go figure.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, where are the pictures of the ketchup clothes and faces?

Shelly Kelly said...

ROFLOL - that's hilarious.

Lisa Henley Jones said...

I can't tell you the number of times I've walked mine into preschool realizing all the breakfast they still have on their shirts and faces.
That's really funny.

Karen said...

Before Nathan goes into his preschool class, we always go into the bathroom to "wipe breakfast off" his face. LOL! Syrup is also quite tricky.

Brenna and Molly said...

Amen sister. You hit the nail on the head again. Hilarious too!

(BTW, I always eat ketchup on my scrambled eggs! My grandmother did too and that's where I got it.)

DeedleMe said...

That reminds me of the ketchup saga with Vicki and Granny.... once she finished that bottle, she didn't get anymore! Remember that? She ate ketchup on EVERYTHING!
Cousin Tracy