Thursday, December 01, 2011

Christmas Lists

I've finally gotten around to asking the kids what they want on their Santa List for this year. 

Eliza Claire was the first child I asked.  The first item on her list was an outside race car she could ride in.  I told her that probably wasn't in Santa's budget.  She informed me that he could make it. She would also like a ladybug shirt, a Barbie with a crown, and an alarm clock for Ruby!

The last item on Eliza Claire's list just cracks me up.  It sounds so nice and selfless that she has something on her list for her sister.  But,  in actuality there is not one nice thing about it at all.  Eliza Claire and Ruby have the same alarm clocks but the alarm is broken on Ruby's.  Eliza Claire does not like it one bit that she has to wake up for school with her alarm but I go in and wake up Ruby because Ruby's alarm doesn't work.  She wants to make sure Ruby is getting woken up the same way she is. 

To give Eliza Claire some incentive to wake up to the alarm, she has the job of coming to wake me up every morning.  She comes in my room and says, "Wakey, wakey!" She gets up much better to an alarm than she does when I try to wake her.  For me she just rolls around and goes back to sleep, for the alarm she hops right out of bed.

Before I left Eliza Claire's room, she told me I would need to get up extra early on Christmas morning.  That way I could check and see if Santa left Ruby a clock and move it over with Eliza Claire's gifts so that "Ruby will be extra surprised when I give it to her."

I also asked Charlotte what she wanted for Christmas.  To start with she told me she didn't know, that she really didn't want anything.  A few minutes later she came back and told me she would love it if Santa left money so that she could take flute lessons.  She has been asking for flute lessons for about a year now.  I guess it is time for me to figure out if that is a possibility and find a teacher.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

Rehm is still thinking.  Ruby was in such a "great" mood at bedtime that we didn't talk about Christmas lists. 

Ah the joys of Christmas,

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