Friday, December 14, 2018

New Chapter

Its been a long time.  I miss blogging.  Its always been my sanity.  I stopped mostly because my kids asked me to.  They did not want their antics available to the public.  I understood that and needed to respect that. 

There were a few downsides to not blogging though.  The biggest is not having the family history documented.  Even the kids regret this part.  The other is not having a place to process and work through my issues.  Writing really is how I best keep my emotional sanity.  And a journal just doesn't cut it for me. 

Life is to a point that I need to be writing again.  I am starting a new chapter and in true Jennifer fashion I feel the need to let it all hang out.  My hope is it will help me personally but it might also be helpful to others on the same journey.  No, I don't think I'm all that. But, I know I am not one to only talk about the positives or to show life only in the social media "best light." I'm hoping by chronicling this chapter honestly it will be useful. 

You are probably wondering what I'm talking about.  I'm having weight loss surgery, specifically gastric sleeve, on December 31.  I'm excited and terrified all at the same time.  It has been a long road to get to this point and I'm sure I'll get into that at some point.  But for now, that's the news - Weight loss surgery on New Year's Eve. 

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