Sunday, July 03, 2011

The Bible in 90 Days: One Month Down, Two to Go

I've been doing The Bible in 90 Days plan for 36 days and am currently on day 34.  It is a good thing I started two days before the rest of the church or I would be behind and stressed out.  As it is, Rehm's two week bout with pneumonia only cost me two days of reading, so I'm not behind.

The last week or so has been spent learning about the kings of Israel and Judah. For the most part, they have not followed God's laws.  And the ones who have, have not done so completely.  The thing that repeats over and over is God telling them to not worship the gods of the other people living around them.  Time and again the kings start setting up alters to other gods.  Even the good kings don't seem to ever completely wipe out the alters dedicated to the others.  They might spruce up the temple and knock down some idols but they don't completely get rid of it all.

The stories of the kings are repeated at least twice.  At least I've read them twice so far.  I suspect I will be reading about some of them in more detail at least once more.  I have to assume that these stories are important since they are repeated.  So what am I supposed to take from this?

What are my worldly idols?  What are the things in my life that take me away from my relationship with God?   What am I doing to remove those things from my life?  These are not fun questions.  Honestly, I haven't spent the time I should dwelling on them.  I think, I'm afraid I won't like all of the answers if I really look.

The other thing that I have been wrestling with since starting The Bible in 90 Days is how do Christians live differently than non-Christians without being cliquish, condescending, judgmental, and off-putting to others?

God repeatedly tells the Israelites that they are supposed to live differently than the people around them.  They are to follow the laws God gave them.  They are not supposed to take on the values and gods of the nations living around them.  He also tells them to welcome others in as long as they are following His laws.

How does this look today?  How do you respectfully live as a Christian? How do you live your faith to the fullest while not alienating those who do not share your beliefs?  What does that look like?  How do we do that as a church or as an individual?

So far, reading the Bible in 90 days seems to be generating  more questions than answers.  I guess it is a good thing I've only read 38% so far.  I'm hoping for a lot of answers in the other 62%.


1 comment:

Jae said...

I should be on day 35 but I'm two days behind. I've got catching up to do tonight. Like you, I find myself asking as many questions as finding any answers. But I guess its supposed to get us thinking, huh?
God bless you in your journey through the Bible in 90 days!