Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Cards

I finally got around to designing our Christmas cards last week. I had taken the pictures the weekend of Thanksgiving but had not had time to sit down and go through the 100+ pictures to find the picture. I knew with ordering cards online (I use Winkflash as they are cheap, fast and good) on the 18th I ran the risk of not getting them out anywhere near on time.

The cards were in the mail box when we got home from the grocery store this afternoon. After baking Christmas Cake, Sugar Cake and Jalapeno Cheese bread I decided to tackle the cards. I finished printing the labels, stuffed, addressed, return addressed and stamped them. Rehm came along and I gave him the job of licking all the envelopes. About 20 envelopes in, he remarked on how bad they tasted. I told him to feel free to get a drink of water. This is why we had kids, right? To help with the really tasty jobs in life. About 20 more cards in he remarked, "you know this really isn't that much fun." I commiserated with him and told him to "keep on licking" we had to hurry if we were going to get them in the mail today. That was enough of a challenge to keep him motivated.

At 4:40 we had 99 cards ready to go in the mail. I covered the cooling cakes with dish towels to keep the cats out, loaded everyone in the van, and made it to the post office with five minutes to spare. I can not believe that I got most of the cards out before Christmas. I really didn't think it was possible. I still have about 20 cards that I need to find addresses for. Those will have to wait until Saturday. Oh well, I still call it success. If only the Christmas Cake had survived my trip to the post office it would have been a really good day!

Are you on the Christmas card list? If you haven't received a card within a week and want to, let me know and I'll send one your way, and make sure you are on the list for next year as well.



Phyllis said...

In the video I thought that Rehm looked like he was gaining weight, I did not realize it was from "licking envelopes".

You are aware that some people do that with a wet sponge, right?

Jenn said...

Why use a wet sponge when I have an 8 year old? I've never had good luck with the sponge method. I either get it too wet or too dry.