Friday, April 13, 2007

Day of Firsts

Ruby pulled up to standing for the first time today. I had to laugh because she pulled up on the same toy that Rehm did.
Ruby sitting down after pulling up - yes I was a little slow getting the camera out
Rehm the first day he pulled up

For the first time Ruby got hit in the head with a toy thrown by her sister. She cried and cried.

You can almost see the bruise in this picture on her forehead to the right of center, it is purplish

Today I was going to let Rehm walk most of the way home from school by himself for the first time. The girls were sound asleep and I didn't want to wake them. So I called a friend that lives by the school and asked her to tell Rehm to walk home. Then I grabbed the monitor and went out to stand at the corner of our street so that by the time he was out of her sight he would be in mine. Surprisingly the monitor still had reception that far away! Of course I waited about 10 mintues with no Rehm and got worried. Do I walk down the street to see where he is? Do I stay where I am? I don't like my choices. Finally I decide to go see where he is. I find out that he and another boy in his class had a collision at the end of the day and had to go to the nurse. This of course made him late leaving school. He has a nice knot on his cheek bone under one eye. We hurried home and of course the girls were still sound asleep. We may have to practice this a few more times before we get it down. But the good news is I can see the house and Rehm from the end of the street.

Hopefully there won't be so many firsts tomorrow

PS I counted baby birds again today and we are up to SIX! Yikes!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Yeah Ruby!! Rehm is so cute in that picture. You think life is interesting now, just wait till you have 2 mobile little girls!!